Let's understand about what is probiotic??
Probiotic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probiotic
Do you agree that we are living together with bacteria, being good one or bad one?
Majority of the bacteria in our body are good bacteria. Different bacteria have different functions.
E.g. Intestinal bacteria - help to digest food in our intestine.
For those who swallowing the food instead of chewing it before swallow, they miss the chance of letting the good bacteria within our mouth to digest it on first level.
Probiotic is the microorganisms similar to those found in the human digestive system. It's man-made.
In the market, there are only about 3-4 types of probiotics supplements - common one are Lactobacillus or acidophilus bacteria. It's claimed to have the similar function as those good bacteria in our intestine.
Is there an issue by taking the probiotic then?
In fact, our intestine are occupied by 500-1000 types of bacteria. However, if we supplement it with probiotic (which is only 3-4 types). Yes, those 3-4 types of good bacteria (with large amount) will be occupying the space in our intestine, and pushing the other types of good bacteria that's natural produced in the intestine away, since we only have so much space to go!
Thus, we lose the chance of letting other types of good bacteria to perform the digestion works that they suppose to perform.
Any risk of taking Probiotic?
Definitely there's limitation when it's coming to probiotic supplements:
1. Pancreas inflammation people can't take probiotics
2. children may develop allergy if consuming probiotic in long run
3. Those who are on corticosteroid, chemotheraphy, organ transplant, AIDS - do take note. Probiotic is not for you!
4. People with weak immune system are not suitable to use probiotics. It creates dependency in long run.
Relationship between intestinal bacteria and heart diseases:
Good intestinal bacteria is also very much related to cardiovascular diseases. Why?
Our intestinal bacteria (based on meat-rich diet) will produce TMAO compound which can cause cardiovascular diseases. Even a person with low cholesterol will get cardiovascular diseases if the TMAO compound is high in his body. However, if we are taking fruits and vegetables more, our intestinal bacteria will not produce TMAO.
Hence, in this context, it proves again that changing your diet to more fruits and vegetables will help a person to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
What is TMAO - called trimethylamine-N-oxide? Click below to understand more. http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/news/20130424/gut-reaction-may-predict-cardiovascular-risk
Note that the probiotics used in many probiotics drinks in the market - require milk /dairy products as a medium to grow. They will produce TMAO in our body when they are in our body. Relationship between intestinal bacteria and obesity: Obesity is related to the bacteria in our intestine also. Some intestinal bacteria can secrete certain compound to better absorb fat, therefore speed up putting on weight, and leads to obesity.
If not taking Probiotic then how?
Based on different diet and lifestyle, each of use do need different types of good bacteria to digest the food that we are taking. E.g Sichuan people's diet (spicy food mainly) is definitely different from an American (more protein). So do you think the good bacteria generated in their intestine are the same? If we are supplying all just with probiotic, it may not works!
Best way is to change our diet to more fruits and vegetables, in order to let our body to start growing our own good bacteria!
Check out why I take Nutritional Immunology food, as a convenient organic freeze dried food that allow my body to generate my own good bacteria!
Especially Oxyginberry, which is my favorite! Personally I can prepare it by myself, but with the busy schedule, I would prefer a convenient!
Read up
How I stay young and stay healthy
Siew Choon
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Attention to Parents: How (and Why) to Introduce Allergens to Your Infant
In the last decade, prevailing beliefs about timing the introduction of highly allergenic foods to babies have undergone a sea change.
For decades, parents were advised to delay introducing allergenic foods until 12 months (cow's milk dairy), 24 months (eggs) or even 36 months of age (fish, tree nuts, peanuts). Then, in 2008, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) retracted its previous guidelines on the matter, acknowledging that there was insufficient evidence to support delayed introduction of allergens as a strategy to reduce the risk of food allergy. But beyond that, the organization did not offer specifics as to whether there was an ideal window during infancy to introduce these foods, nor did it comment on whether delaying introduction of foods might actually increase risk of developing food allergies.
As a result, pediatricians and parents have been in limbo since 2008, lacking clear guidelines as to whether early or delayed food introduction could help prevent babies from developing food allergies. As more observational research on solid food introduction and risk of food allergy became available, the body of evidence began to point in a relatively consistent direction: Early introduction of common food allergens seemed associated with a lower risk of developing food allergies compared to delayed introduction. Some pediatricians found these studies compelling enough to start advising parents to stop delaying the introduction of allergens past 12 months. But lacking sufficient evidence that met the "gold standard" of scientific research—randomized, controlled trials—other pediatricians continued to feel it was prudent to follow the delayed introduction approach until better evidence was available or official guidelines were issued.
This past January, however, the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology (AAAAI) released a new set of recommendations on infant feeding practices to help prevent food allergy. The recommendations are based on the available observational research to date, and are the first guidelines to state that delaying introduction of foods like wheat, cow's milk dairy, eggs, fish and nuts may actually result in an increased risk of food allergy or eczema.
The AAAAI recommendations state that once an infant over 4 months old has tolerated a few non-allergenic solid foods (think common early solids like rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, apples or pears), parents can proceed with introducing other more allergenic foods without delay, ideally at home rather than in day care or a restaurant. As with introducing all new solids, only one new food should be introduced every three to five days to help isolate triggers of any allergic reaction.
Importantly, the guidelines also note that exclusive breast-feeding for at least four months may be protective against cow's milk allergy in infants. Lastly, they found no significant protective benefit against food allergy when mothers avoided allergenic foods like dairy, egg and peanuts during pregnancy or lactation.
Ultimately, how to introduce allergens is a personal decision you'll make in consultation with your pediatrician. If your infant already has eczema or signs of a food allergy—or if a sibling has a peanut allergy—your pediatrician may refer you to a pediatric allergist for testing and individualized guidance.
If you do decide to introduce allergens to your infant between the ages of about 5 to 12 months, I offer some texture-appropriate ideas for doing so—many of which I road-tested on my own two kids:
Check out following articles to learn more:
Being a wise consumer is important!
I have learnt about this information also from Live with Dr Chen session. Photo from latest session on 13th April!
Siew Choon
For decades, parents were advised to delay introducing allergenic foods until 12 months (cow's milk dairy), 24 months (eggs) or even 36 months of age (fish, tree nuts, peanuts). Then, in 2008, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) retracted its previous guidelines on the matter, acknowledging that there was insufficient evidence to support delayed introduction of allergens as a strategy to reduce the risk of food allergy. But beyond that, the organization did not offer specifics as to whether there was an ideal window during infancy to introduce these foods, nor did it comment on whether delaying introduction of foods might actually increase risk of developing food allergies.
As a result, pediatricians and parents have been in limbo since 2008, lacking clear guidelines as to whether early or delayed food introduction could help prevent babies from developing food allergies. As more observational research on solid food introduction and risk of food allergy became available, the body of evidence began to point in a relatively consistent direction: Early introduction of common food allergens seemed associated with a lower risk of developing food allergies compared to delayed introduction. Some pediatricians found these studies compelling enough to start advising parents to stop delaying the introduction of allergens past 12 months. But lacking sufficient evidence that met the "gold standard" of scientific research—randomized, controlled trials—other pediatricians continued to feel it was prudent to follow the delayed introduction approach until better evidence was available or official guidelines were issued.
This past January, however, the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology (AAAAI) released a new set of recommendations on infant feeding practices to help prevent food allergy. The recommendations are based on the available observational research to date, and are the first guidelines to state that delaying introduction of foods like wheat, cow's milk dairy, eggs, fish and nuts may actually result in an increased risk of food allergy or eczema.
The AAAAI recommendations state that once an infant over 4 months old has tolerated a few non-allergenic solid foods (think common early solids like rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, apples or pears), parents can proceed with introducing other more allergenic foods without delay, ideally at home rather than in day care or a restaurant. As with introducing all new solids, only one new food should be introduced every three to five days to help isolate triggers of any allergic reaction.
Importantly, the guidelines also note that exclusive breast-feeding for at least four months may be protective against cow's milk allergy in infants. Lastly, they found no significant protective benefit against food allergy when mothers avoided allergenic foods like dairy, egg and peanuts during pregnancy or lactation.
Ultimately, how to introduce allergens is a personal decision you'll make in consultation with your pediatrician. If your infant already has eczema or signs of a food allergy—or if a sibling has a peanut allergy—your pediatrician may refer you to a pediatric allergist for testing and individualized guidance.
If you do decide to introduce allergens to your infant between the ages of about 5 to 12 months, I offer some texture-appropriate ideas for doing so—many of which I road-tested on my own two kids:
Check out following articles to learn more:
Being a wise consumer is important!
I have learnt about this information also from Live with Dr Chen session. Photo from latest session on 13th April!
Siew Choon
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Nutritional Immunology Foods are Freeze Dried food
Lots of people ask how Nutritional Immunology foods are being processed then if we keep emphasizing that taking food is better? How does it different from the natural fresh fruits and vegetables? Any chemical involved as safety is a big concern...
Freeze-drying and Spray-drying are the main technologies used by E.Excel. Which is similar as original fruits and vegetables with a difference in 5%.
How the freeze dried food looks like! Freeze dried honey dew, strawberry and cucumber that we get as gift earlier :)
Step 1: Wash, Filter and Concentrate
This is the pretreatment stage for freeze-drying. First the plant foods are washed thoroughly. If necessary, They are filtered and concentrated.
Step 2: Freeze
Step 3: Dry
Freeze-drying and Spray-drying are the main technologies used by E.Excel. Which is similar as original fruits and vegetables with a difference in 5%.
How the freeze dried food looks like! Freeze dried honey dew, strawberry and cucumber that we get as gift earlier :)
- It can effectively retains the freshness, nutrients and quality of foods. Fried drying virtually retain most of the nutrition contents
- Retain original flavor, shape, color, nutrients and texture
- More concentrated products
- No preservatives and additives are required due to the pure and natural processing method
- It's an advancement from refrigeration, thus able to keep the foods for longer shelf life
- Safer - as no preservatives are required
How does it different from dehydrated food and canned food?
Dehydrated and canned foods are shelf-stable, BUT high-temperature processing can degrade flavour, texture and nutritional content
So, Why E.Excel food products are wholesome plant foods products - although appear in sachet forms?
Because they are FREEZE-DRIED food, hence can be kept longer without adding any preservatives and yet the wholesomeness, and nutritional values are maintained as that in original plant foods. Once the food is freeze dried, it will be grinded into powder for better storage purposes.
Let's look at how freeze dried works!
Step 1: Wash, Filter and Concentrate
This is the pretreatment stage for freeze-drying. First the plant foods are washed thoroughly. If necessary, They are filtered and concentrated.
Prefreezing the plant foods is necessary during the freeze-drying process.
Technical challenges
- Strict control of Prefreezing temperatures (Usually from -50 celcious to - 80 celcious). If the prefreezing temperature is not low enough, the plant foods will not be frozen completely and this will compromise the subsequent process. If the prefreezing temperature is too low, it may damage the plant food causing unnecessary waste.
- Ability to rapidly lower temperature to the required temperature. The a home refrigerator for example. The temperature of plant foods placed in its freezer compartment drops gradually during the freezing process. Water in the plant foods forms crystals that burst the plant cells, causing the plant foods to become translucent and mushy. Hence it is vital to rapidly lower the temperature to protect the plant cells.
Hence, during the freeze-drying process, engineers meticulously calculate and control the duration and temperature required for freezing each kind of plant food to ensure accuracy.
In a vacuum chamber with a fixed temperature, the ice in the frozen plant foods is converted directly to vapor to remove moisture.
Technical Challenges
It is vital to ensure that the freeze-drying chamber is under vacuum and maintain the desired pressure and temperature. The slightest variation may cause an air leak and consequently damage the plant foods, resulting in an air-dried appearance: Shriveled, collapsed and dark.
Read up more details in the following articles
Siew Choon
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Popping Placenta Pill - Are you one of them?
Lately, I have been hearing different stories about placenta, being Sheep Placenta, Deer Placenta, mainly coming from animal sources. It's a new wave coming up for those we wanted to stay young (as it claimed)!
I'm not sure what's your view on this, as per my expertise in Nutritional Immunology, it may create more harm than good in the long run.

Firstly, looking at the placenta, I can't imagine myself popping something made from this!
Secondly, it's due to the animal hormone in placenta. Placenta itself is high in animal hormone, it's needed so that nutrients can be provided to the fetus before it's delivered. However, the animal hormone is needed by the baby of the animal, not we as human. Often, animal hormone is the one that easily mutate our human cells. Indeed, we need hormone in our body, but we don't need the hormone coming from other mammals! It may be effective due to the high concentration of the hormone, but it may not be safe!
Thirdly, what about the virus or bacteria infection? Company can perform the necessary check to ensure that no bacteria or viruses exist in the placenta, but not to forget the UNKNOWN viruses or bacteria? Also those are undergoing mutation?
It's important to be a wise consumer. Look at this, baby or kid doesn't require placenta or replacement hormone, yet their skin is healthy and smooth! Why? because their cells are younger, so how to make our cells young enough and yet do not relying on supplement?
Siew Choon
I'm not sure what's your view on this, as per my expertise in Nutritional Immunology, it may create more harm than good in the long run.

Firstly, looking at the placenta, I can't imagine myself popping something made from this!
Secondly, it's due to the animal hormone in placenta. Placenta itself is high in animal hormone, it's needed so that nutrients can be provided to the fetus before it's delivered. However, the animal hormone is needed by the baby of the animal, not we as human. Often, animal hormone is the one that easily mutate our human cells. Indeed, we need hormone in our body, but we don't need the hormone coming from other mammals! It may be effective due to the high concentration of the hormone, but it may not be safe!
Thirdly, what about the virus or bacteria infection? Company can perform the necessary check to ensure that no bacteria or viruses exist in the placenta, but not to forget the UNKNOWN viruses or bacteria? Also those are undergoing mutation?
It's important to be a wise consumer. Look at this, baby or kid doesn't require placenta or replacement hormone, yet their skin is healthy and smooth! Why? because their cells are younger, so how to make our cells young enough and yet do not relying on supplement?
Siew Choon
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Live with Dr Chen Chapter 1
Dr Chen has shared selflessly in the talk about the health knowledge which are of our interest in common during Live with Dr Chen Chapter 1
The below are the topics that she shared with us during the session
We know that you are specialized in the research of Nutritional Immunology, can you explain with us what is Nutritional Immunology?
2. 大家都说要提升免疫功能,免疫力是否越高越好?
Everyone is saying wanting to increase immunity, is it true that the stronger the immunity, the better it is?
3. 免疫力好是不是就不容易生病?
Does it mean that good immunity means not easily falling sick?
4, 有没有一种药物可以提高免疫功能呢?
is there any medicine to increase immunity?
5. 既然没有药物可以提高免疫功能,哪一种东西对免疫系统好,可以提高免疫力?
Since there is no medication to increase immunity, what is good for immune system which can increase immunity?
6. 您刚刚有提到植物营养素,抗氧化剂,多糖体,那是什么?
You just mentioned about Phytochemicals, Antioxidants and Polysaccharides, what are they all about?
7. 如果你说植物比较好,比如说大豆对健康有益,是否意味着大豆油也健康的?葡萄籽是非常健康,富含抗氧化剂,那么葡萄籽炸的油是否健康?
If you mentioned that plants are better, for eg soy bean is good for health, does it mean that soya oil is healthy also? Grape seed is an excellent source of high antioxidant, then grape seed oil is good?
Plant food is healthier, then how about fish? We usually say that fish meat is healthier than chicken and beef, does fish has cholesterol?
9. 我吃鱼油,鱼肝油好不好?
Is it good to take fish oil or cod liver oil?
10. 素食者可选择亚麻籽来补充Omega3吗?我们常常听人说吃坚果,请问是OK吗?尤其核桃里面也含Omega3?
Can vegetarians choose to use flax seeds to supplement Omega 3?
We always hear people mention about eating nuts, is it ok? especially the walnuts which contain Omega 3 too?
11. 我知道您也是研究癌症的,像APPLE 电脑的Steve Jobs,简直是天才,他那么聪明,那么有钱,也得到癌症,您可不可以跟我们谈谈他的癌症呢?
I know you are also doing research on Cancer, like Apple Steve Jobs, he was a genius, very smart, and very rich, he also had cancer. Can you share with us about his cancer?
12. 癌症可以预防吗?有人说吃太补也可以补到癌细胞,是这样吗?应该要怎样预防癌症?癌症一得到,就没希望吗?
Can cancer be prevented? Some people mentioned about nourishing our body will nourish the cancer cells too, is it true? How can we prevent cancer? Once a person get diagnosed with cancer, does it mean it is hopeless?
13. 老人化社会来临,我们来谈谈老化的问题。老人痴呆症(Alzheimer)好像得到的人越来越多,像美国前总统雷根,老人痴呆症可以预防吗?它是怎么形成的?
Aging problem has become a hot topic with the advent of elderly society. Alzheimer seems to be on the rise, for eg Former President Ronald Reagan. Can Alzheimer be prevented? How does it develop?
14. 帕金森氏症(Parkinson's Disease) 到后期也会失智,他们有什么不一样?像回到后来的男主角米高福克斯 (Michael Fox)世界拳王MohammadAli也得到帕金森氏症,这个疾病跟饮食有关吗?
Parkinson's Disease at the later stage will cause dementia too. What's the difference between Parkinson's and Alzheimer? Example of people who had Parkinson's are Michael Fox (actor in the "Back to the future") and Mohammad Ali (world champion boxer). Is this disease related to diet?
15. 我身边很多朋友有高血压,都在吃医生开的降血压的药,是不是只要使用降血压的药物,就不会中风?
I have many friends who are diagnosed with high blood pressure and they are taking medicine prescribed by doctor to reduce the level. is it true that by taking the medicine, one will not get stroke?
16. 有不少女性朋友都喜欢上SPA泡温泉,泡温泉会不会让血压上升?
There are a few ladies who likes to go for SPA/ hot spring bath, will this increase high blood pressure?
17. 经常在医院健康检查时都会做骨质密度的检测,好像通过的人很少,经常都是不合格的,是不是代表人普遍都有骨质疏松症呢?
It has become common that majority fails to pass the Bone Density testing, does it mean that majority has osteoporosis?
18. 市面上有很多种水,碱性水,电解水,纳米小分子水,纯水,矿泉水,我们究竟该喝什么水?一天应该要喝多少水?
There are many different types of water in the market, like alkaline water, electrolyzed water, small molecule nano water, pure water, distilled water etc. which type of water shall we drink? how much water intake daily?
Beside above, we do receive a free magazine plus Oseed as door gift that's worth more than twice the price of the ticket!
If you wish to learn about the above topics, do contact me.
Siew Choon
Live with Dr Chen Chapter 2 on 13th April!
Dr Jau-Fei Chen is coming to Singapore to give a second chapter (Live! with Dr Chen) @ Orchard Hotel on 13-April!
See the response during the Live with Dr Chen Chapter 1
Look at following post to understand more about the topic that she shared during Chapter 1
http://www.immunesuperfood.blogspot.sg/2014/04/live-with-dr-chen-chapter-1.htmlIf you wish to learn the following health topics, please don't miss this Chapter as you will meet Dr Chen in person to listen to her sharing for the below topics!!
1. People can live up to 120 years old. How does this number come from?
2. Everyday take vitamin pills, will a person live up to 120 years old?
3. Is Baby formula milk better than breast milk?
4. Is glucosamine pill helpful for joint pain?
5. Where does the chondroitin sulphate come from?
6. Which plant foods can help self production of glucosamine in our body?
7. What is auto immune disease? Can it be under control using steroid or anti-inflammation medicine? Any side effects? Is there a better way to prevent?
8. Is bird nest really helpful in beauty maintenance? Including shark fin.
9. Is juicing good for health? Is it considered wholesome fruit?
10. What can we do if we are deprived from sleep?
11. Many advertisements tell about the effectiveness of collagen PDTs on skin. Issit true?
12. Many people said that taking too much rice (carbo) can cause more production of insulin. And Obesity is caused by insulin. Is there any linkage between insulin and obesity.
13. What is the right way to do healthy weight management?
Ticket price $15 come with a free door gift which worth back the ticket price!
Anyone keen, please pm me. Thanks.
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