Saturday, October 29, 2016

Coconut Oil is not a Superfood you think it is

Over the past few years, coconut oil has becoming new trend claiming to be able to aid to prevent heart diseases and cancer. 

From what I learnt from Nutritional Immunology from Dr Chen, I know it wasn't conclusive. 

However, a recent article published in Straits Time, "Coconut Oil not a Superfood you think it is"

"While coconut oil is a healthier alternative to butter or lard, it is not as good as unsaturated plant oils"

"There is also no conclusive evidence that coconut oil aids weight loss, according to experts. It might even be counterproductive to consume large quantities of coconut oil in hopes of losing weight, as the oil is high in calories"

"Bottom line, Coconut oil is not a miracle food"

For me, I won't choose oil recommended in article such as olive oil, canola oil. Why? 

There are 2 reasons which need to look at to select a healthy cooking oil

1. Smoke point
2. Omega 3: Omega 6 ration

Isn't it important to learn to be wiser consumer, given that there are many misconceptions from TV, newspaper, magazines, or celebrities. 

Thanks to Nutritional Immunology, I learnt to equip myself with the right knowledge, and it's my mission to spread the gift of knowledge to public. 

Always equip yourself to be wise consumer

To learn more about what's Nutritional Immunology, we have upcoming Nutritional Immunology chapter 4 on 26th November by Dr Chen

Come join me for the session to learn more! PM to reserve the ticket to avoid disappointment. 


To keep te body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Coach

Saturday, October 15, 2016

My Healthy Breakfast

Recently I have added Soygreen as my healthy breakfast, It tastes yummy and healthy. 

Looking back, without understanding further on Nutritional Immunology (NI) earlier, my breakfast was always the bread with eggs, nasi lemak, fried beehun etc. 

My common breakfast earlier

Understanding more about NI, here are some of the criteria which is important to look at for healthy breakfast. 

These are the ingredients of Soygreen


Soy Bean, Psyllium Husk, An assortment of fruits and vegetables - Banana, Broccoli, Spinach, Snow Pea, Leaf Lettuce, Radish Leaf, Asparagus, Kale, Green Bell Pepper, Mustard Greens, Romaine Lettuce

Which is equivalent to a bowl of salad, which mix the lettuce, kale, bell pepper, radish, etc. 

If we are ordering the salad outside, it's normally cost $10-$15 dollar. For Soygreen, it's organic freeze dried food,  much cheaper yet the ingredients are safer, undergoing more than 2000 types of testing

Beside breakfast, you can take it as meal replacement too for weight management, in fact the very first meal replacement that I take. 

Compare to many meal replacements product in the market, definitely, its healthier as it's wholesome food

Especially if you are hungry late at night, Soygreen serves as great healthy supper :)

Contact me at +65-90263064 if you would like to find out more about Soygreen

To keep te body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Coach

Friday, October 7, 2016

Dietary Supplement links to Liver damage

Dear Friends, 

Are you taking vitamins supplements still? 

Another article which link dietary supplements to liver damage again


This is inline with what I always shared, whereby taking synthetic/chemically made/extract lead to liver damage

Always be a wiser consumer, take wholesome food

PM to find out more

To keep te body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Coach

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Protecting your brain,memories and nerves system

It's important to protect our memories to improve our concentration, preventing any health risk in our nerves system. Especially when dementia and Alzheimer is getting so common. 

Let's understand more

What are the Superfood to help our nerves and neuron? 

This is in Ememories which I started to take recently :)

PM to find out more

To keep te body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Coach

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Losing weight healthily

Obesity leads to many health issues, it's important for us to shred of the excessive fat to keep our body healthy

Obesity a time ticking bomb

If you want to have a healthy body weight, start counting your calories daily

How much calorie do we actually need a day? 

But how do we know how much calories that we have taken in already? 

One of a good app you can download to check for food's calorie is Healthy 365 

The app gives you good food database on all the calorie to give you a rough idea on how much calories that we taking in a day. 

Say for a lady who is age 31-50 at Singapore, with moderate activity, she needs approx 2000 calorie. 

Let's look at some example of the foods she takes

In the Healthy 365 app, you can find the calorie of those food easily


Losing weight can be simply by choosing a right food. 

Calorie of Chicken breast: 147
Calorie of deep fried chicken breast: 439

Do you see a big differences? 

Once a food is fried by oil, or go through oil the calorie will shoot up. One teaspoon of oil is 120 in calorie. 

Simply make a wise choice in our food, losing weight can be as simple. 

Let's look at calorie of some common foods

Weight management starts with making right choices with the food 

Here are some of the Superfood which is the best for losing weight healthily, without causing any side effects

Most importantly, we need to be a wise consumer to understand the ingredients, whereby some weight loss products lead to kidney failure. Read up more here

1. Soy bean

Protein from Soy simply convert the fats into muscle and speed up fat decomposition

2. American Ginseng

American Ginseng simply help to give energy while we are monitoring calorie intake, so we are less tired

3. Fibers
Fibers helps to give full filing and thus make us feel full longer. Overall, it gives us sufficient fibers to help to prevent constipation too. 

Of course, to lose weight, we must control our calorie intake too. 

If we are going to lose 1 kg a week, we must maintenance our calorie intake at 800 a day. So our body will convert the existing fats into calorie, thus clearing the storage. 

Similar to a house's storage. If our storage is full at the moment, we have to buy lesser stuff to put into the storage, and at the same time we use up the existing items in the storage to clear it all. 

4. Collagen 

Collagen is important too for weight loss. As when we loss weight, the muscle may becomes sagging. With the support of collagen, our skin and muscle will become more firm up

However, not all the collagen products can be taken safely. 

Letting our body to self produce collagen will not burden our body. 

As a convenience, I take 1-Shape/1-Shape lite and Oxyginberry as my high fibers, antioxidants and protein breakfast!

1-Shape and 1-Shape Lite is made of Soy Bean, Psyllium Husk and American Ginseng

As compare to many weight loss products which contains synthetic ingredients. Read up here

Oxyginberry is made of Cactus, Cactus Fruits, Ginseng Berry, Seaweed, Rose and Grape seed

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Shock of cancer diagnosis despite regular check

Would like to share this article which I saw in Straits Times lately

"When she heard that she had a fairly big tumour, she said: "I couldn't believe or accept it. I had been going to the NUH to check so regularly"

This is so common nowadays that despite regular scan and checks, yet a person is diagnosed with cancer still. 

Thankful to what I learnt in Nutritional Immunology, I know that cancer doesn't occurs overnight. 

Most of the time, when a person is undergoing scan, cancer cells could be below 1mm, thus it's undetectable. However, it doesn't mean cancer doesn't exist. 

The most sophisticated instruments can only detect tumors when it reaches 1mm, which is equivalent of about 1 million cancer cell

In the recent Nutritional Immunology Chapter 3 that I attended, from the Radiological Society of North America, I learnt that for each scan that we did, we are exposing to radiation too. 

For example for a CT scan for Calcium Scoring, it means that we are exposing to the radiation for approx 1 year with 1 scan. 

Always be a wise consumer. Only by being a wiser consumer, we are able to make informed choice. 

What is the best way to prevent Cancer ? 

We have best doctor within us, which is our Immune System. Only by nourishing our Immune System on the daily basis, it will help us to fight against diseases regularly. Ultimately, we are what we eat. 

Prevention is the best cure. 

PM to find out more details

To keep te body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Coach

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Magic of Mushrooms

Mushroom, has been a powerful Superfood which is most discussed over decades. 

Especially mushroom such as ABM Mushroom, Maitake Mushroom, Reishi Mushroom (Lingzhi) and Shiitake Mushroom

This can be found in the Nutriact / E-mmunity

These mushrooms has the great source of polysaccharides, which helps to increase the production of Natural Killer cells, interferon, interleukin) to destroy existing cancer cells. 

It increases the activities of Natural Killer cells by 38 to 49 folds. 

Let's look at how each mushrooms help in cancer and virus infection

1. ABM Mushroom:

At the Medical Department of Tokyo University, the National Cancer Center Laboratory and Tokyo College of Pharmacy, mice with cancerous tumors were fed ABM mushrooms. The cancerous tumors were eliminated in 90% of the mice.

Even more astounding, when the mice were fed ABM as a preventive agent and then afterwards injected with the powerful cancer-causing cell line, Sarcoma 180, 99.4% of them showed no tumor growth.

Research performed at universities in Japan, HK and a few in US have suggested that the polysaccharides derived from ABM have a positive effect in stimulating lymphocyte T-Cell and helper T-Cell production in laboratory animals.

in 1995, Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum, Ph. D. at King Drew Medical Center at UCLA, found that the ABM mushroom increases the total number of immune cells throughout the body. 

Furthermore, he discovered that this mushroom not only increases the no of Natural Killer (NK) cells, but also makes each individual NK cell more powerful. Dr Ghoneum presented his findings during San Francisco's 9th World Immunology Congress saying, "In the present study, we evaluated the ability of the ABM Mushroom to stimulate in vivo NK cell activity in mice. T

he results demonstrated that the induction of NK activity was very significant (38-49 fold increase over control)."

The health benefits of the ABM mushroom, from boosting the immune system to preventing the growth and metastasis of all kinds of cancers. is no longer just accessible to the natives in Sao Paulo, Brazil, but is now available to everyone.

2. Maitake Mushroom:

In one experiment, scientists conducted studies to find out whether the D-Fraction of the Maitake mushroom could prevent normal cells from turning into malignant cancer cells. A carcinogen was given to the experimental animals in food 3 times over a 7-day interval. The control Group A was given normal feed. Group B was given feed enriched with 20% Maitake mushroom powder, and Group C was orally administered 1mg/kg of the D-Fraction polysaccharide. After 60 days. the tumors found in the liver were counted. 

Liver cancer was found in the experiemental animals follows:
-In the D-Fraction Group C, only 9.7% had tumors.
-In the 20% Maitake mushroom feed Group B, 22.2% had tumors
-In the control Goup A, 100% had tumours.

This test suggests that Maitake mushrooms, especially those containing purified D-fraction, are effective in reducing cancer risks where carcinogenic foods are part of the regular diet.

Though extensive experimental studies, researchers have found out that the beneficial activities of Maitake mushroom to include protecting healthy cells from becoming canceroushelping to prevent metastasis of cancerinhibiting the growth of tumors and lessening the side effects of chemotherapy agents

Maitake mushroom has been shown to be most effective in inhbiting cancer of the breast, lung, liver and prostate. Usually, the effectiveneses ranged from 45.5% to 73.3% reduction in cancer growth. It is somewhat effective in cases of leukemia, stomach cancer and bone cancer at 25%, 33% and 16% respectively.

Other researchers in the US have been using Maitake mushroom to treat a number of condition. In one study, researchers used ultrasound results to measure the progress of 6 patients with uterine fibroids. 

Maitake mushrooms were given to these patients and a substantial reduction of the fibroids was found 6 months to 1 year after the beginning of the treatment. In fact, the patients' conditions improved to such a state that surgery was no longer necessary. Promising results of the use of Maitake mushroom on prostate cancer were also found.

3. Shitake Mushroom

Scientific studies conducted mainly in Japanese laboratories, have focused on 2 substances extracted from shitake mushroom - Lentinan and LEM.

In the 1980's, the Pharmaceutical Council of Japan approved Lentinan, a polysaccharide found in the fruiting body of Shitake mushroom, as an anti-cancer drug - something basically unheard of in Western medicine. Lentinan has many immunopotentiating properties including enhancement of natural killer (NK) cells and increased production of gamma interferon.

The Lancer medical journal reported a case in which doctors used Lentinan as treatment for AIDS patient who had been exposed to the disease through a blood transfusion and repeatedly tested positive for AIDS antibodies. The patient was given daily dosage of Lentinan (1 mg/day) for a period of 5 months. 

After 4 months, the AIDS antibodies tested negative and remained so. 2 years later, the patient continues to be healthy.

Today, Japanese doctors are using purifed Lentinan as an immunotherapy for cancers such as lung, skin, stomach, breast, colorectal, cervical and others. The use of Lentinan can help to suppress cancer recurrence and prolong the lifespan of cancer patients. 

In addition, study after study has proven that Lentinan combined with chemotherapy is more effective than chemotherapy aloneHowever, the dosage adminstered is an important part of the healing process

Too small a quantity is ineffective, whereas too much Lentinan can suppress the immune response, giving the opposite of the intended effect. A balanced dosage is necesary to achieve optimum results. In one particular study, the correct dosage of Lentinan produced complete regression of certain cancers of mice.  

4. Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom (Ling Zhi/ Reishi mushroom):

Recently, Ganoderma mushroom has been used to prevent and treat cancer. Regarding cancer treatment, Ganoderma mushroom is being used to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy (fatigue, appetite loss, hair loss, bone marrow suppression and risk of infection), enhance survival rate, reduce likelihood of metastasis, improve quality of life and help prevent the recurrence of cancer.

To read up further on the report and research, click following report

As convenience, we have Nutriact power which is made from these 4 mushrooms 

PM if you would like to find out more details


To keep te body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Coach