Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Losing weight healthily

Obesity leads to many health issues, it's important for us to shred of the excessive fat to keep our body healthy

Obesity a time ticking bomb

If you want to have a healthy body weight, start counting your calories daily

How much calorie do we actually need a day? 

But how do we know how much calories that we have taken in already? 

One of a good app you can download to check for food's calorie is Healthy 365 

The app gives you good food database on all the calorie to give you a rough idea on how much calories that we taking in a day. 

Say for a lady who is age 31-50 at Singapore, with moderate activity, she needs approx 2000 calorie. 

Let's look at some example of the foods she takes

In the Healthy 365 app, you can find the calorie of those food easily


Losing weight can be simply by choosing a right food. 

Calorie of Chicken breast: 147
Calorie of deep fried chicken breast: 439

Do you see a big differences? 

Once a food is fried by oil, or go through oil the calorie will shoot up. One teaspoon of oil is 120 in calorie. 

Simply make a wise choice in our food, losing weight can be as simple. 

Let's look at calorie of some common foods

Weight management starts with making right choices with the food 

Here are some of the Superfood which is the best for losing weight healthily, without causing any side effects

Most importantly, we need to be a wise consumer to understand the ingredients, whereby some weight loss products lead to kidney failure. Read up more here

1. Soy bean

Protein from Soy simply convert the fats into muscle and speed up fat decomposition

2. American Ginseng

American Ginseng simply help to give energy while we are monitoring calorie intake, so we are less tired

3. Fibers
Fibers helps to give full filing and thus make us feel full longer. Overall, it gives us sufficient fibers to help to prevent constipation too. 

Of course, to lose weight, we must control our calorie intake too. 

If we are going to lose 1 kg a week, we must maintenance our calorie intake at 800 a day. So our body will convert the existing fats into calorie, thus clearing the storage. 

Similar to a house's storage. If our storage is full at the moment, we have to buy lesser stuff to put into the storage, and at the same time we use up the existing items in the storage to clear it all. 

4. Collagen 

Collagen is important too for weight loss. As when we loss weight, the muscle may becomes sagging. With the support of collagen, our skin and muscle will become more firm up

However, not all the collagen products can be taken safely. 

Letting our body to self produce collagen will not burden our body. 

As a convenience, I take 1-Shape/1-Shape lite and Oxyginberry as my high fibers, antioxidants and protein breakfast!

1-Shape and 1-Shape Lite is made of Soy Bean, Psyllium Husk and American Ginseng

As compare to many weight loss products which contains synthetic ingredients. Read up here

Oxyginberry is made of Cactus, Cactus Fruits, Ginseng Berry, Seaweed, Rose and Grape seed

Friday, September 9, 2016

Why rebound after losing weight?

Rebound happens when there is toxins accumulated in our body

No Round
 happens when toxins is removed from our body already

That's the reason why Cleansing is so important day to day. 

Where does toxins come from various part of our organs
1. Lung
2. Skin
3. Gut/Intestine

External Toxins include

Free radicals such as pollution from food center, buses or car
Harmful chemicals from our household products
Pesticides from fruits and vegetables that we eat
Preservatives, Additives, Coloring in our processed food
Radiation from our handphones, computers
Bacteria/viruses that we encounter daily
Many others  

Internal Toxins includes

Cancer Cells
Fats/Cholesterol deposit
Death/damaged cells during metabolism
Constipation which leads to the toxin accumulation at intestine
Urine Acid affecting joints
Acidic condition in our body

With all these toxins in our body, the more we need to regularly do cleansing to keep ourself healthy.

When we do regular cleansing, the fats won't be stored in body to keep the impurities and toxins, thus weight loss becoming very easy, and we won't keep facing rebound issues. 

There are many weight loss methods which focusing on just losing water, or increasing the metabolism. Instead of cleansing the impurities. 

Read up more here

To have better weight management, understand from here

Take Care of your body, it's the only place that you will live. 

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Consultant

Obesity a time ticking bomb

Global, there are 640m people who are obese. 

In country such as Singapore, obesity is rising especially at younger generation

With Obesity, the risk of getting chronic diseases such as diabetes, and cancer is much higher. 

The risk of getting heart failure can be as high as 104%!

Is your weight healthy? 

Let's do a calculation on BMI to keep your health in check

If you look at above table, if your BMI is above 22.9, you are considered as Overweight or Obese

Are you in your healthy weight? 

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Consultant

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Weight loss products cause kidney failure


And many other news like this

There are plenty of weight lost products available online. Often, people are looking for immediate result, yet neglected the safety of the products. Health is being jeopardized because of quick result and marketing gimmicks. 

I am blessed that through the Nutritional Immunology education, I learn to be wiser consumer to read label before I select any food. 

Let's look at some of the common side effects of the diet pill

These are the common drug name. However there are many products which are claimed to be "Natural" just by label "Natural", 'Traditional Herbal", and it gives false impression to consumer that herbal products is normally safe. 

Recently, one of my friend who passed me this label

Again, it's written there Traditional Preparation.Looking at the ingredient label, it doesn't seems anything wrong as it looks "Natural"However, when I checked further, it's actually a laxative, due to the ingredient Follium Cassia Angustifollia

There are other improper weight loss method which we need to be aware as well, for healthy weight management

Always be a wiser consumer, learn to read label

Given both ingredient label below, Which will you choose? 

The one above or below? Why?

I choose the one below, as it's wholesome and natural

The one above contains ingredients which I don't understand much

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Consultant