Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Never take health for granted

Staying healthy is a daily habit

"Many illness can only be detected at later stages"

"Why the term early-stage cancer is so misleading"

"Diseases doesn't happen overnight, becoming healthy doesn't happen overnight either"

"Keeping healthy doesn't simply mean fighting off disease"

"Keeping healthy starts small"

"Nutrition doesn't work overnight, it's an ongoing process, which needs to be practiced everyday for maximum benefits"

"Suddenly starting to focus on nutrition when you are already sick is always too late"

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Magic of Mushrooms

Mushroom, has been a powerful Superfood which is most discussed over decades. 

Especially mushroom such as ABM Mushroom, Maitake Mushroom, Reishi Mushroom (Lingzhi) and Shiitake Mushroom

This can be found in the Nutriact / E-mmunity

These mushrooms has the great source of polysaccharides, which helps to increase the production of Natural Killer cells, interferon, interleukin) to destroy existing cancer cells. 

It increases the activities of Natural Killer cells by 38 to 49 folds. 

Let's look at how each mushrooms help in cancer and virus infection

1. ABM Mushroom:

At the Medical Department of Tokyo University, the National Cancer Center Laboratory and Tokyo College of Pharmacy, mice with cancerous tumors were fed ABM mushrooms. The cancerous tumors were eliminated in 90% of the mice.

Even more astounding, when the mice were fed ABM as a preventive agent and then afterwards injected with the powerful cancer-causing cell line, Sarcoma 180, 99.4% of them showed no tumor growth.

Research performed at universities in Japan, HK and a few in US have suggested that the polysaccharides derived from ABM have a positive effect in stimulating lymphocyte T-Cell and helper T-Cell production in laboratory animals.

in 1995, Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum, Ph. D. at King Drew Medical Center at UCLA, found that the ABM mushroom increases the total number of immune cells throughout the body. 

Furthermore, he discovered that this mushroom not only increases the no of Natural Killer (NK) cells, but also makes each individual NK cell more powerful. Dr Ghoneum presented his findings during San Francisco's 9th World Immunology Congress saying, "In the present study, we evaluated the ability of the ABM Mushroom to stimulate in vivo NK cell activity in mice. T

he results demonstrated that the induction of NK activity was very significant (38-49 fold increase over control)."

The health benefits of the ABM mushroom, from boosting the immune system to preventing the growth and metastasis of all kinds of cancers. is no longer just accessible to the natives in Sao Paulo, Brazil, but is now available to everyone.

2. Maitake Mushroom:

In one experiment, scientists conducted studies to find out whether the D-Fraction of the Maitake mushroom could prevent normal cells from turning into malignant cancer cells. A carcinogen was given to the experimental animals in food 3 times over a 7-day interval. The control Group A was given normal feed. Group B was given feed enriched with 20% Maitake mushroom powder, and Group C was orally administered 1mg/kg of the D-Fraction polysaccharide. After 60 days. the tumors found in the liver were counted. 

Liver cancer was found in the experiemental animals follows:
-In the D-Fraction Group C, only 9.7% had tumors.
-In the 20% Maitake mushroom feed Group B, 22.2% had tumors
-In the control Goup A, 100% had tumours.

This test suggests that Maitake mushrooms, especially those containing purified D-fraction, are effective in reducing cancer risks where carcinogenic foods are part of the regular diet.

Though extensive experimental studies, researchers have found out that the beneficial activities of Maitake mushroom to include protecting healthy cells from becoming canceroushelping to prevent metastasis of cancerinhibiting the growth of tumors and lessening the side effects of chemotherapy agents

Maitake mushroom has been shown to be most effective in inhbiting cancer of the breast, lung, liver and prostate. Usually, the effectiveneses ranged from 45.5% to 73.3% reduction in cancer growth. It is somewhat effective in cases of leukemia, stomach cancer and bone cancer at 25%, 33% and 16% respectively.

Other researchers in the US have been using Maitake mushroom to treat a number of condition. In one study, researchers used ultrasound results to measure the progress of 6 patients with uterine fibroids. 

Maitake mushrooms were given to these patients and a substantial reduction of the fibroids was found 6 months to 1 year after the beginning of the treatment. In fact, the patients' conditions improved to such a state that surgery was no longer necessary. Promising results of the use of Maitake mushroom on prostate cancer were also found.

3. Shitake Mushroom

Scientific studies conducted mainly in Japanese laboratories, have focused on 2 substances extracted from shitake mushroom - Lentinan and LEM.

In the 1980's, the Pharmaceutical Council of Japan approved Lentinan, a polysaccharide found in the fruiting body of Shitake mushroom, as an anti-cancer drug - something basically unheard of in Western medicine. Lentinan has many immunopotentiating properties including enhancement of natural killer (NK) cells and increased production of gamma interferon.

The Lancer medical journal reported a case in which doctors used Lentinan as treatment for AIDS patient who had been exposed to the disease through a blood transfusion and repeatedly tested positive for AIDS antibodies. The patient was given daily dosage of Lentinan (1 mg/day) for a period of 5 months. 

After 4 months, the AIDS antibodies tested negative and remained so. 2 years later, the patient continues to be healthy.

Today, Japanese doctors are using purifed Lentinan as an immunotherapy for cancers such as lung, skin, stomach, breast, colorectal, cervical and others. The use of Lentinan can help to suppress cancer recurrence and prolong the lifespan of cancer patients. 

In addition, study after study has proven that Lentinan combined with chemotherapy is more effective than chemotherapy aloneHowever, the dosage adminstered is an important part of the healing process

Too small a quantity is ineffective, whereas too much Lentinan can suppress the immune response, giving the opposite of the intended effect. A balanced dosage is necesary to achieve optimum results. In one particular study, the correct dosage of Lentinan produced complete regression of certain cancers of mice.  

4. Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom (Ling Zhi/ Reishi mushroom):

Recently, Ganoderma mushroom has been used to prevent and treat cancer. Regarding cancer treatment, Ganoderma mushroom is being used to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy (fatigue, appetite loss, hair loss, bone marrow suppression and risk of infection), enhance survival rate, reduce likelihood of metastasis, improve quality of life and help prevent the recurrence of cancer.

To read up further on the report and research, click following report

As convenience, we have Nutriact power which is made from these 4 mushrooms 

PM if you would like to find out more details


To keep te body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Coach

Monday, July 18, 2016

Do you know you are a millionaire?

Do you know that you are a millionaire?

Just looking at this recent statistic published in legal human organ market, just by living healthily without any illness, you worth more than millions

Your heart is worth 425,000 pounds
Your Lung is worth 206,000 pounds

Watch this youtube, to understand how much does our body worth. Just imagine that your body is a Ferrari Car, what would you do when you have a Ferrari?

Will you give the best fuel to Ferrari?

Will you take extra care to the Ferrari?

I like what Dalai Lama says about humanity.

Prevention is better than treatment. 

Let's look at how much is treatment for common illness such as cancer


and many many stories like this.

Prevention is still cheaper and better than cure.

Read on:

Siew Choon

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Gout Patients can eat Soy

Most of of my friend thought that having gout cannot, and they avoid all beans related food!

Yet, with the recent research, It's again show that soy is great for those with gout!

Let's look at some misconceptions about soy. I always love soy bean, and I find that I must clarify my group of friends on the right knowledge about soy. 

Quality of the Food we eat is important. 

I tends to choose soy with the right species, harvesting time and processing method. For soy bean, the seed and skin has to be removed, and it has to be boiled up to 60-70 degree, for the optimum benefits.

As convenience, I tends to choose Nutrifresh

With the ingredient of: Soybean, Grape, Banana, Pineapple, Asparagus, Barley, Brocolli, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Carrot, Citrus Peel, HoneyDew, Peas, Pear, Peach, Grapefruit, Lemon and Coconut. 

Total 18 ingredients, and 1 packet is $1.8
With the right processing method to remove all the skin and seed, and being boiled at 60-70 degree!

As compare to most of the soy milk selling outside, one cup of soy milk easily cost about $1.5 with just 1 single ingredient!! And we are not sure if the processing method is correct or not! 

Feel free to PM me if you would like to try 1 packet of Nutrifresh. 

Siew Choon

Saturday, July 9, 2016

How NI Lifestyle helps her in her Stage 4 Breast Cancer

Dear Friends,

It's a blessing to embark in Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle (NI Lifestyle) :) 96

By practicing NI Lifestyle, Madam Chuah has successfully regain her health from Stage 4 Breast Cancer

It's again proven that staying healthy is about knowing the right know how, and be a wise consumer. 

Knowledge is power!

PM to find out more

Siew Choon

Friday, July 8, 2016

How Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle helps in Heart Disease

Dear friends, 96

It was alarming to saw these 2 articles related to heart diseases

Especially being a women, and I have seen many around me working long hour, more than 55 hours stated in the article. 

The risk of heart disease actually increases by 33%

When we look at those around us, hypertension is no longer happening at elderly, but at the age of 30's, or even younger. The disease rate is getting younger. How can all these happens? 

What could potentially happen when they have heart disease, such as high blood pressure or arrhythmia. 

Mostly, they will start taking medicine, which could be taking for whole life. 

Some of the common heart disease drugs, and how their side effects. 

Yes, indeed we need medicine to help us control situation. However, do you intend to take it for life? 

With courtesy of our team mate's sharing, one of her friend's grandpa, who has been taking medicine diligently suffers from stroke. Checking with that friend few days later, and found out that her grandpa has passed away. 

Here is the question, why this is still happening even though he was on medicine still?

Do you know how hypertension medication works?

Just imagine,  you have your water piping system. If the pressure in your piping is high, what will you do? 

Yes, you turn the water flow smaller, so that it pumps lesser water through your pipe, and lowering the pressure.  

Same thing happens in the cardiovascular system, when a person take the medication, it will make the heart to pump lesser blood through the blood vessels.  

Can taking hypertension medication really solve the root cause of hypertension problem? 

How to solve the problem from the root?


Cactus has high anti-inflammatory ability. Why it is important? Because the cactus can reduce inflammation in your blood vessels and speed up the healing process. 

Ginseng berry
It helps to improve blood circulation and bring more oxygen and nutrients transport to the brain.

You can have good vitality and stamina throughout the day & keep you high concentration . 

Grape Seed
The OPC in grapeseed helps to strengthen the blood vessels and improve blood circulation

Kumazasa is versatile species of bamboo. Kumazasa leaves are bear’s first meal after hibernation to purify and detoxify their blood.
·         Cleanse the blood, useful for lowering blood pressure
·         Reduce excess cholesterol in blood vessels – regain vitality and elasticity, protecting against atherosclerosis.

·         Has cleansing effects on the liver, enhancing its filtering function.

Ashitaba is a amazing super food. It’s also called the herb of longetivity.
A new leaf will sprout the next day if it’s plucked today.
The most precious part of Ashitaba is Ashitaba's  sap. It's only a few milligrams can be collected from the cross section of the stem.
·         Alleviate hyperlipidemia (high blood cholesterol levels)
·         Help to inhibit tumor growth and spread
·         Inhibit histamine release, preventing allergic reaction
·         Regulate blood glucose level

·         Stimulate production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) – to alleviate Alzheimer’s disease and peripheral neuropathy.

With the Superfood on Oxyginberry, Orchestra and 1Shape
Oxyginberry (Cactus, Cactus Fruits, Ginseng Berry, Grape Seed, Rose, and Seaweed)

With the combination of ingredients in Oxyginberry, it helps our body to produce collagen. Thus, strengthen the blood vessels and preventing the accumulation of plague at the vessels 

Read up on Oxyginberry and Collagen here

Orchestra (Ashitaba, Kumazasa)

1Shape (Psyllium husk, Soy and American Ginseng) we received many complements and thank you notes

With Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle and a combination of natural food which can be consumed by Elderly, Adult, Women, Pregnant Lady and Children, we can achieve better healthy with right approach.

Siew Choon
Whatsapp: 90263064

Friday, June 10, 2016

Why I Choose Elemente Series?

Definitely, Product Safety is the key

In Elemente Series, all raw materials are tested with Material Safety Data Sheet although this is not required.

All the raw materials are coming from Japan!

Japan's cosmetic regulations are among the strictest in the world. In Japan, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) regulates cosmetics, quansi-drugs, pharmaceuticals and medical devices according to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (PAL) to guarantee their quality, efficacy and safety. 

In Japan, permits are required to manufacture and sell cosmetic, unlike other countries, no regulation and permits required. 


What are considered as OTC products in other regions may be classified as "quansi-drugs" in Japan. Example of quansi-drugs: skin whitening products, products for dry skin, acne products, anti-dandruff shampoo, hair tonics, hair dyes, etc. 

Quansi drugs are subject to examination for quality, and safety by Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)

For the heavy metal testing, it's most stringent at Japan, as compare to Germany, Japan/USA. 

In Elemente and Nutritional Immunology, I learnt to be wiser consumer. 

Does Advertising term means anything? 

Terms such as hypoallergenic, allergy tested, dermatologist tested - does it means anything? 

How about the word - Natural

Usage of safer ingredients

For example, Elemente Toothpaste!

Instead of using Fluoride, Triclosan and Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, they use a safer ingredients, such as Hydroxyapatite

Here are some of my Elemete series products which I Love !!! and there are others which I didn't show!

PM me if you would like to try out !

Siew Choon

What are your body's Chemical Burden which you need be aware?

All of us carry chemical burden, the buildup of synthetic chemicals and heavy metals in our bodies.

These chemicals get into our bodies through our skin, air, food and drinks. 

You may use many personal care and household products daily, do you know the safety of ingredients?

If you look at the recent articles published, there are many contamination issues even in big brand by MNC. 




Let's look at the table below to understand where you can find the toxic chemicals: 

These chemicals can be found in toothpaste, drinking water, shower gels, body lotions, shampoos, toys, whitening products, detergents, etc etc. 

In fact, most pollution begins in the womb.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) released the results of a two year study that found up to 232 different industrial chemicals in the cord blood of 10 babies in the womb. 

Among the common one are:

It's important to equip ourselves to be wise consumer, to use the products which are safe and yet effective.

Read next: Why I choose Elemente series?

Siew Choon

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Safety Concern of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)


British health regulators have issued a warning that some traditional Chinese medications contain "dangerously high" levels of lead, mercury, and arsenic.

On Tuesday, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) warned people not to use a number of unlicensed Chinese medicines, including a product called Bak Foong Pills, which are used to treat menstrual pain.

The medicine has been recalled in Hong Kong after it was found to contain up to twice the level of lead permitted by the Hong Kong Government.

Another Chinese medication called Hairegenerator, used for the treatment of hair loss, has also been recalled in Hong Kong after a sample was found to contain 11 times the permitted level of mercury.

The Swedish National Food Agency (SFNA), meanwhile, has found extremely high levels of arsenic in products going by a variety of names, including Niu-Huang Chieh-tu-pein, Divya Kaishore Guggul, and Chandraprabha Vati.

These are used for the treatment of mumps, sore throat, tonsillitis, toothache, skin infections, anorexia, and fever in young children.

"The adulteration of traditional Chinese medicines with heavy metals is a significant international problem and can pose a serious risk to public health," said Richard Woodfield, MHRA's Head of Herbal Policy.

 UK consumers can follow Woodfield's advice: "To help you choose an herbal medicine that is suitable for you, look for a product that has a Traditional Herbal Registration (THR) or product license number on the packaging.

These products have met the acceptable quality and safety standards. – AFP/Relaxnews, August 22, 2013.

As mentioned by Dr Chen during Live of Dr Chen chapters, there are 3 category of plant foods:
1. Poisonous Category (example, Ma Huang)
2. Herbal Categry (Korean Ginseng, TCM)
3. Fruits and Vegetable Category - Given that it's food, it can be consumed on daily basis. 

Commonly, we thought that TCM is better than western medicine, given that it's herbal. However, let's look at one example, Aspirin. Which is used to treat fever, inflammation, joint pain or even heart disease. 
Aspirin could be made from medicational herb call White Willow Bark. In TCM, white whillow bark is also used to help with pain relief, arthritis, reduce inflammation. 
However, why white willow bark from TCM "seems" better? Often, it's due to the concentration whereby in preparing the TCM, it's not as concentrated as western medicine. Thus, the effect is slower and side effect is lesser than western medicine. When we are consuming it, it will burden our kidney as well. 

Siew Choon