Look at how this is affecting my friend's baby girl!

Let's look at what's Eczema, and how it relates to Immune System
We have the best doctor within us, which is our Immune System, some of the immune organs in above picture
Eczema an auto-immune disease
Immune system malfunction in 3 ways.
Weaken immune system - weak immune system leaves us prone to highly infectious disease like SARS, frequent flu and cold, hand foot mouth disease or even cancer.
Hypersensitivity of immune system - The immune system can malefaction by OVER-REACTING towards non-threatening agents. When this happens, we get an allergic reaction.
The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology says that allergies can strike at any time.
Blind-folded immune system - Our immune system is programmed to distinguish between enemy cells and the body's own cells. Autoimmune happen when our immune system can't differentiate both
Watch Nutritional Immunology in 8 minutes in Channels New Asia
Inflammation lead to auto-immune disease (Eczema)
Inflammation leads to Leaky Gut Syndrome -> Auto-Immune disease -> Eczema
Inline with the article above, A gut which has become inflamed will become very porous, (much more porous than it should be), and will allow large food proteins, bacteria, fungi, metals and toxic substances straight into our blood stream.
This is called Increased Intestinal Permeability
Consuming Meat and Dairy actually increase the risk of auto-immune disease, read up below to know why
To further add on:
Read up more in following articles as well
Why cow's milk is bad and easily lead to allergy?
How certain ingredient in formula milk lead to allergies, eczema and asthma in kid?

Consuming Meat and Dairy actually increase the risk of auto-immune disease, read up below to know why
To further add on:
Read up more in following articles as well
Why cow's milk is bad and easily lead to allergy?
How certain ingredient in formula milk lead to allergies, eczema and asthma in kid?

That's the reason why I always tell my friend to take plant based milk, over dairies or even formula milk.
The only way is to take in more food with are high in antioxidant and anti-inflammation properties.
Does Steroid cream helps?
All in all, steroid suppresses our immune system. And it's going to be life time!
Some of the eczema cream are harmful!
Worst is that, using it for long term will lead to Tropical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome. Which is worst.
Some of the eczema cream are harmful!
Worst is that, using it for long term will lead to Tropical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome. Which is worst.
"The product was advertised on various online platforms supported by numerous testimonials, claiming to be a “superior alternative to cure skin disorders” when other medical treatments fail. It also claimed to be “100 per cent safe and natural” and “tested to be steroids-free” on its website.
The mother of the patient was advised to stop using the product immediately when HSA’s tests revealed the product to contain very high levels of arsenic.
Arsenic is a toxic heavy metal and can cause skin irritations, rashes and blisters, HSA said. Widespread, prolonged application and accidental ingestion may cause arsenic poisoning, with symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, heart-related problems, breathing difficulties and numbness of the limbs
How Oxyginberry helps in Eczema?
Oxyginberry is made from Cactus, Cactus Fruits, Ginseng Berry, Seaweed, Grape Seed and Rose. All are high in phytochemicals and antioxidants which are immune strengthen nutrients that nourish our immune system.
Ginseng berry in Oxyginberry is great in keeping the skin moisture as it's very high in antioxidant. Often, when we have eczema, skin tends to be very dry or even cracked.
Cactus and cactus fruits helps to speed up wound healing, internally and externally, especially when we have eczema, we tends to keep scratching due to itch all over the skin. Besides, it has great anti-inflammatory property. Thus, reducing inflammation naturally, unlike steroid cream.
Rose and grape seed, both are good in anti-inflammatory and anti-bacteria
Besides, eczema is an auto-immune diseases. In order to balance our immune system, we need food which is high in antioxidant, phytochemicals and polysacharrides.
Oxyginberry helps in balancing immune system, thus won't fall sick easily.
Read: why Parents love oxyginberry?
Oxyginberry is effective!
Mild Eczema and serious eczema
One of my friend who has eczema for more than 10 years, especially on face and hand. She was on steroid cream for long period of time.
Prolong using of steroid cream lead to skin thinning, and whenever she walk under the sun, she feels the burning sensation.
I am great that with oxyginberry, her immune system is nourished and she is able to perform normal life, without suffering from itch and multiple series of sleepless night.
Another lady who suffer from eczema for more than 20 years. And with the right nourishment, she gain back her health and confident
Sharing from another friend who has eczema.
"I was diagnosed with discoid eczema sometime around Sept 2011. It started with a tiny sore on the leg without any rhyme or reason. It was incredibly itchy. I thought nothing of it but that was the start of my suffering. It soon spread throughout my whole body except my face. I went to the National Skin Centre to seek treatment but all the consultant could do for me is to prescribe creams, steriods and put me under ultraviolet lighting. It got to a point where I could not eat anymore antibiotics and steorids because it would cause me liver damage. It was a very distressing experience as I see my once perfect skin to that of a body filled with itchy and weepy sores. I could not go out wearing bermudas or short sleeved shirts as I get strange stares around me. Kids would avoid me and ask stay closer to their mothers.
I began seeking alternative medication e.g. acupuncture, TCM but there was no avail even though I had spent thousands of dollars on trying to cure the condition. I dreaded the nights because it was so itchy I cannot sleep well and it took everything out of me just to try not to scratch. It was useless. I still scratched and the condition became worsen. I didnt have any energy in the morning as I would sleep late after being exhausted fighting with myself and blood and fluid from the scratches would just stain the bed, evident of my failure to control. There was no end to the suffering, no end to the itchiness, no end in the the dark tunnel. My work suffered to a point I had to leave, as I felt I could not deliver what I wanted to do.
My friend knew of my condition and told me of the Oxyginberry product from E. Excel. Thinking that I had spent so much on finding a cure, what's one more product to buy hope? After a few months of taking , I realised that my sores started to dry up. That was an incredible start for eczema sufferers because once the sores dry, it will reduce the itchiness. Once that itchiness is controlled, then there is a chance for it to heal better as it stops the itch scratch cycle. It wasn't overnight but over a period of 2-3 months there was significant improvements. My scalp, ears, hands, arms started to heal until there was only a dark patch after 6 months of taking the product. I could'nt believe it! I started to sleep better too and I began to live each day with more hope of controlling the disease which had totally wrecked my life. The loss of control over my life was devastating but with Oxyginberry, I was able to regain control of my life and health. And that made all the difference." - Justin
Sharing from a friend who has discoid lupus - an auto-immune disease, similar to eczema
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Siew Choon