Showing posts with label oseed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oseed. Show all posts

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Taking Omega 3 from fish oil increase the risk of Prostate Cancer

Fish oil, the most popular supplement in the market.

Many taking fish oil due to the Omega 3. Omega 3 is crucial for overall health. 

Benefits of Omega 3

We need Omega 3, to balance the high Omega 6 that we consume daily. High Omega 6 easily lead to inflammation. 

High Omega 6 normally comes from vegetable oils in our diet. 

Many opt for Fish oil as convenience sources of Omega 3, however, there are many researches link the fish oil and prostate cancer

Other sources: 

Taking omega-3 fatty acids, derived from fish oils, can increase a man's risk of high-grade prostate cancer by 71 per cent 
Taking omega-3 fatty acids, derived from fish oils, can increase a man's risk of high-grade prostate cancer by 71 per cent

Fish oils are a huge industry in the UK
However, scientists found that those with the highest levels of omega-3 in their blood were 71 per cent more likely to develop fast-growing, hard-to-treat prostate tumours.

They were also more likely to contract the slower, less deadly form of the disease, with the overall prostate cancer risk raised by 43 per cent. 
The team from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle warned: ‘There is really no evidence that taking dietary supplements is beneficial to health, and there is increasing evidence that taking high doses is harmful.’

Dr Alan Kristal said the levels of omega-3 linked to the increased cancer risk would be reached by taking just one supplement a day, or three or four meals of fish such as salmon and mackerel each week.
Taking omega-3 was also associated with a 44 per cent greater chance of developing low-grade prostate cancer

However, he stressed that when compared to fatty acids received by eating oily fish, the amount consumed via pills was ‘huge’.
It is unclear how fish oil could trigger tumours, but omega-3 may restrict the immune system, or damage our DNA. It is also unclear if it helps tumours to grow and spread.

The finding came amid a wider research project of more than 2,000 men, examining whether supplements of vitamin E and the mineral selenium can help prevent prostate cancer – the most common cancer in British men, killing more than 10,000. Selenium provided no benefit, and vitamin E increased the odds of contracting the disease.

Dr Kristal said: ‘As we do more and more of these studies – and I have been involved in them most of my career – we find high doses of supplements have no effect or increase the risk of the disease you are trying to prevent.
‘There is not really a single example of where taking a supplement lowers chronic disease risk.’ 

Professor Malcolm Mason, of Cancer Research UK, said: ‘The results of this study are surprising, and we clearly need more research to understand what is behind them.’

Although he stressed the researchers could not be certain whether the study’s participants ate oily fish or took omega-3 supplements, he said the results ‘show how complex the effects of food supplements might be’.

Dr Iain Frame of Prostate Cancer UK agreed that ‘larger and more complex studies will need to take place before we understand how the risks of a diet high in omega-3 balance against [its] benefits’.

Several recent studies have called omega-3’s benefits to the heart into question, too. One, which examined 20 studies involving almost 70,000 people, found that those who took omega-3 were no less likely to die of a heart attack or stroke than others

- End quotes from article

It's utmost important to be wiser consumer, you are what you eat. 

That's the reason why I choose plant based Omega 3, than animal based Omega 3, blessed with the Science of Nutritional Immunology

One of the good plant based Omega 3 is made from Kiwi Seed and Chia Seed. Oseed is made from Kiwi Seed and Chia Seed, which is convenience and safe for daily intake of Omega 3


To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear

Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Coach

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cow's milk leads to bone fractures

Again, another article that mentioning how cow's milk lead to bone fracture in women.

I am very fortunate to know Nutritional Immunology, whereby NI has been advocating on the side effect of taking cow's milk for 26 years.

Siew Choon

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Live with Dr Chen Chapter 1

Dr Chen has shared selflessly in the talk about the health knowledge which are of our interest in common during Live with Dr Chen Chapter 1

The below are the topics that she shared with us during the session
We know that you are specialized in the research of Nutritional Immunology, can you explain with us what is Nutritional Immunology?

2. 大家都说要提升免疫功能,免疫力是否越高越好?
Everyone is saying wanting to increase immunity, is it true that the stronger the immunity, the better it is?

3. 免疫力好是不是就不容易生病?
Does it mean that good immunity means not easily falling sick?

4, 有没有一种药物可以提高免疫功能呢?
is there any medicine to increase immunity?

5. 既然没有药物可以提高免疫功能,哪一种东西对免疫系统好,可以提高免疫力?
Since there is no medication to increase immunity, what is good for immune system which can increase immunity?

6. 您刚刚有提到植物营养素,抗氧化剂,多糖体,那是什么?
You just mentioned about Phytochemicals, Antioxidants and Polysaccharides, what are they all about?

7. 如果你说植物比较好,比如说大豆对健康有益,是否意味着大豆油也健康的?葡萄籽是非常健康,富含抗氧化剂,那么葡萄籽炸的油是否健康?
If you mentioned that plants are better, for eg soy bean is good for health, does it mean that soya oil is healthy also? Grape seed is an excellent source of high antioxidant, then grape seed oil is good?

Plant food is healthier, then how about fish? We usually say that fish meat is healthier than chicken and beef, does fish has cholesterol?

9. 我吃鱼油,鱼肝油好不好?
Is it good to take fish oil or cod liver oil?

10. 素食者可选择亚麻籽来补充Omega3吗?我们常常听人说吃坚果,请问是OK吗?尤其核桃里面也含Omega3?
Can vegetarians choose to use flax seeds to supplement Omega 3?
We always hear people mention about eating nuts, is it ok? especially the walnuts which contain Omega 3 too?

11. 我知道您也是研究癌症的,像APPLE 电脑的Steve Jobs,简直是天才,他那么聪明,那么有钱,也得到癌症,您可不可以跟我们谈谈他的癌症呢?
I know you are also doing research on Cancer, like Apple Steve Jobs, he was a genius, very smart, and very rich, he also had cancer. Can you share with us about his cancer?

12. 癌症可以预防吗?有人说吃太补也可以补到癌细胞,是这样吗?应该要怎样预防癌症?癌症一得到,就没希望吗?
Can cancer be prevented? Some people mentioned about nourishing our body will nourish the cancer cells too, is it true? How can we prevent cancer? Once a person get diagnosed with cancer, does it mean it is hopeless?

13. 老人化社会来临,我们来谈谈老化的问题。老人痴呆症(Alzheimer)好像得到的人越来越多,像美国前总统雷根,老人痴呆症可以预防吗?它是怎么形成的?
Aging problem has become a hot topic with the advent of elderly society. Alzheimer seems to be on the rise, for eg  Former President Ronald Reagan. Can Alzheimer be prevented? How does it develop?  

14. 帕金森氏症(Parkinson's Disease) 到后期也会失智,他们有什么不一样?像回到后来的男主角米高福克斯 (Michael Fox)世界拳王MohammadAli也得到帕金森氏症,这个疾病跟饮食有关吗?
Parkinson's Disease at the later stage will cause dementia too. What's the difference between Parkinson's and Alzheimer? Example of people who had Parkinson's are Michael Fox (actor in the "Back to the future") and Mohammad Ali (world champion boxer). Is this disease related to diet?

15. 我身边很多朋友有高血压,都在吃医生开的降血压的药,是不是只要使用降血压的药物,就不会中风?
I have many friends who are diagnosed with high blood pressure and they are taking medicine prescribed by doctor to reduce the level. is it true that by taking the medicine, one will not get stroke?

16. 有不少女性朋友都喜欢上SPA泡温泉,泡温泉会不会让血压上升?
There are a few ladies who likes to go for SPA/ hot spring bath, will this increase high blood pressure? 

17. 经常在医院健康检查时都会做骨质密度的检测,好像通过的人很少,经常都是不合格的,是不是代表人普遍都有骨质疏松症呢?
It has become common that majority fails to pass the Bone Density testing, does it mean that majority has osteoporosis?

18. 市面上有很多种水,碱性水,电解水,纳米小分子水,纯水,矿泉水,我们究竟该喝什么水?一天应该要喝多少水?
There are many different types of water in the market, like alkaline water, electrolyzed water, small molecule nano water, pure water, distilled water etc. which type of water shall we drink? how much water intake daily?

Beside above, we do receive a free magazine plus Oseed as door gift that's worth more than twice the price of the ticket!
If you wish to learn about the above topics, do contact me. 

Siew Choon

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Breastfeeding Mum, are you taking fish oil as the source of Omega 3 during breastfeeding?

Omega 3 is one of the important nutrients for breastfeeding mum, in order to get the EPA and DHA which is good for the heart and the brain for baby, a lot of mother may turns to fish oil

Do you know the risk of obtaining Omega 3 from fish oil??

1. Contamination
Due to water pollution, some species of fish are contaminated by high levels of mercury, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and other pollutants. The US Food and Drug Administration advices children and expectant mothers to avoid eating fish that may contaminated by high levels of mercury.

2. Unsuitable for Consumption
Can you imagine eating the oil from fish liver? In particularly cod liver oil, has excessive vitamin A and vitamin D content. Due to the fact that Liver's main function is to filter and detox, fish liver is more likely to contain toxic contaminants.

3. Depletes Vitamin E
Fish oil can reduce vitamin E levels, either by preventing vitamin E from being absorbed or by causing the body to use up vitamin E more quickly

4. Side effects
diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, abdominal bloating, nausea, loose stools, rash and nosebleeds.

5. Interference with Medication
Fish oil increase total blood cholesterol and prevent blood clotting, through interaction with medications, such as blood thinners, aspirin and high blood pressure drugs.

6. High calorie
Animal fats such as fish oil are high in calories. One tablespoon of code liver oil, or example, contains 122 calories

7. Dangers of overdose
Overdose increase risk of stroke and cancer. Studies show that consuming too much can reduce immune system activities, making the body more susceptible to infection. Especially increase the risk of having prostate cancer.

Instead of taking fish oil, most of the circle within my friends, including mothers and kids or even infant are taking plant based Omega 3 (kiwi seed and chia seed)

It's definitely healthier given that the omega 3 components is called ALA, instead of EPA and DHA

If we are able to consume 2 kiwi a day, it's equivalent to the amount of Omega 3 that we needed, otherwise Oseed is a very good convenient for babies, especially breastfeeding mum!

Siew Choon