Lately, there are friends asking me if it's safe to be consumed EExcel food in long run, but how do we know if a food is safe to be consumed for long?
These are criteria which help me to evaluate
1. Firstly, I will simply look at the label, if there is anything that I don't understand, aka synthetic ingredients.
For synthetic ingredients, such as Ascorbic Acid, Beta Carotene, these are being made synthetically in lab, you can read up further on following article on where does the source come from
In the past, no doubt vitamin have safe a lot of people, such as how vitamin save life from scurvy disease.
Let's look what are the common side effects of vitamins
Read further here
Why I choose EE food is simple, because it's wholesome food, which is in freeze dried form
2. Food safety tests from manufacturer.
Let's look at the food contamination issues that we have been seen so regularly in newspaper, since 1880 until to date (I didn't load the entire list, as there are too many incidents)
Let's look at the food contamination issues that we have been seen so regularly in newspaper, since 1880 until to date (I didn't load the entire list, as there are too many incidents)
The recent incident are GOS compound in infant milk powder, which causes those babies who has the allergies, eczema, asthma to be worsen
Read up:
Another one affecting most staple food, which is the Glyphosate in Quaker Oat
As a food manufacturer, quality control is very important, any careless handling in raw material can easily cause health hazards
For EExcel, since 1987, they have placed safety as first priority
Raw ingredients and final packaging are being tested before it's being rolled out for consumer
Let's look at what are the safety measure taken
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) which is a basic and stringent guideline for all pharmaceutical (drug) companies to comply to in order to begin production. It emphasizes product quality, hygiene and safety during production processes. However, it is not required for food manufacturers.
E.Excel manufacturing plants are proud to announce that they have obtained GMP certification to maintain their high quality and safety for 25 years.
Multiple safety tests are also conducted.
1. Comprehensive Microorganism Tests (Bacteria E.coli, Salmonella spp, Yeast & Mold etc) on raw materials, production processes and finished products to ensure product safety.
2. Heavy Metals Tests (Mercury, Copper, Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium) to ensure products are free from these harmful component contamination.
3. Pesticides Tests on raw materials to ensure crops are not polluted by pesticides in water used for irrigation or from neighbouring farms.
4. Poison Tests on 1822 different types of poisons including narcotics (eg. cocaine), steroid drugs (eg. cortision), banned drugs (eg. Fenfluramine) and human growth hormones.
5. Microscopic Test on raw materials for foreign objects like dust, hair, wires.
6. Finished Product Testing to detect accurately objects like metals, glass, plastics, stones, hairs in the products.
7. Stability Testing on finished products to ensure a product's quality does not change during the validity period stated on the product's label.
Additional unique specific tests are also conducted for certain products.
1. Gene modification tests conducted on Soy. Besides organic ingredient, E.Excel uses only non-genetically modified soy that is high in protein.
2. Antibiotics Tests done on all honey, royal jelly and pollen to ensure no presence of antiobiotics before use in production.
3. Caffeine Tests on Aromantic and triflora for caffeine content of green tea leaves to ensure green tea leaves selected are of lowest levels of caffeine.
4. Melamine Tests. E.Excel is proud to announce that melamine has never been detected in E.Excel products.
5. E.Excel processes ginseng immediately after harvest and hence does not go through sulfur-smoke process which will cause serious harm to health.
6. Careful selection of packaging material to meet international safety standards.
Safe and Clean Production Environment based on the below aspects to prevent contamination of raw materials, production processes and packaging to ensure product safety.
1. Humidity
2. Dust
3. Temperature
4. Bacteria
5. Water
6. Automated Production
Read up my article on list of pesticides and poisons testing that company does to ensure the safety.
How safe is Organic Food?
Read up more below
Watch the video on how the manufacturing plant at Shanghai works
3. Safety Aware by Government agency
For many food products out there in the market, there are many awards for food products from various company, such as Star Product Award, Most Revolutionary award, etc.
For me personally, I will put emphasize on Food safety related test, as this is something that we will consume
E.Excel food manufacturing Singapore has received FOOD SAFETY EXCELLENCE AWARD (Grade A) from Singapore Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) for consecutive 10 years! Congratulations!
For many food products out there in the market, there are many awards for food products from various company, such as Star Product Award, Most Revolutionary award, etc.
For me personally, I will put emphasize on Food safety related test, as this is something that we will consume
E.Excel food manufacturing Singapore has received FOOD SAFETY EXCELLENCE AWARD (Grade A) from Singapore Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) for consecutive 10 years! Congratulations!
4. E.Excel food are not base on replacement therapyHow does replacement therapy works? Means that when our body lack of certain component, we will replace it from external sources. Most common example will be,
- When we lack of collagen, we replace it via collagen from animal (Fish collagen), or synthetically made
- When we lack of glucosamin, we replace it from glucosamine which is made of shelf of lobster, crabs or shrimps and replace it into our body
- When we lack of certain hormone, most common during menopause. We replace it with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
- When we lack of good bacteria, we replace it with probiotic products , instead we should be taking more right amount of fibers to let our body to self produce good bacteria
- Read up more:
- and many many more, such as fish oil, enzyme etc
When we keep replacing these into our body, it will cause dependency in the long run. Thus causing more health hazards.
We can simply look at why there are more and more people taking supplements, yet, diseases rate is getting higher.
It's utmost important to be a WISE CONSUMER
Siew Choon
Nutritional Immunology Consultant